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St. Maarten/Martin Embarkation/Disembarkation (ED) Entry Form
Mandatory Health Insurance for St. Maarten: Effective January 1, 2021, all visitors to St. Maarten must purchase mandatory health insurance prior to arrival in order to ensure the safety of guests and the community. The cost for adults (ages 15 and up) is $30US, for children (ages 0-14) the cost is $10US. The St. Maarten Visitors Protection Plan is sold via the mandatory health form found here: For additional details and frequently asked questions, visit This goes into effect for ALL ARRIVALS starting January 1, 2021.
Hotel Cancellation Penalties: We understand the unexpected can happen and choosing to cancel your vacation is never an easy decision. For that reason, we are providing you with a chart of estimated cancellation penalties for our partner hotels. Visit for more details.