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From the adventure seeker to the nature lover to the foodie, there is something for everyone at Secrets Playa Blanca Costa Mujeres. Try something new or practice your favorite sport, whatever it is you love, you’ll find it and more. INDOOR/OUTDOOR ACTIVITIESArchery Bali beds* (reservations required) Beach volleyball Cocktail classes CrossFit Dance lessons Golf nearby*Mixology lessonsPing-pongSpanish lessonsTennis and pickleball courtsTequila tastingYogaArt classMexican handcraft alebrijeTexas Poker*Additional charges may apply. WATER SPORTSAqua StrongBluewater snorkeling*CatamaranDeep sea fishing*KayakJetskis*Paddle boardsPool volleyballPool bikingScuba diving*Sport fishing*Water aerobics in the poolWater polo in the poolWater casino in the poolWater skiing*Water basketballWave runners**Additional charges may apply.